ICT লেকচার শিট (English) Chapter-2 HSC 1st Year 2016-2017

Chapter -2
Data Communication & Computer Network
Definition of communication system: A system that exchange data between persons and
equipment’s or device is called communication system. A communication system is made up of
device that employee one of two communication method (Wireless or wired), different types of

equipment (portable radios, mobile radios, base or fixed station and repeaters) and various
accessories (speaker, microphone, battery eliminators) to meet the user needs.
Another definition of communication system: A system that exchange data between persons
and equipment or device is called communication system
Data communication system: Data communication system is the function of transporting data
from one point another.
Elements of data communication system: A data communication system has five fundamental
elements, such as
i)Data source: Source is the computer where available data are obtained to send; examples are
telephone and computers.
ii)Transmitter: The transmitter is the device that transmits the source data in the
communication medium; example modem.
iii)Medium: The transmission medium is the physical path which a message travels from
transmitter to receiver . It could be twisted pair wire, coaxial cable , fiber optic cable or radio
iv)Receiver: It is the modem located at destination side that converts received data into
computer readable form or in digital form.
v)Destination: The computer that finally store the incoming message or data is known as

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